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Frequently asked questions
With coaching being a relatively new field (a few decades), I understand the hesitation. The best way to find out is to experience it for yourself! That’s why our first call is for free, no strings attached – so you can get a feel for it before proceeding.
Some of the wins you might experience could be like:
– The lightbulb moment(s) of figuring out what was keeping you stuck
– Finding your powerful internal motivator to draw from instead of relying on external “shoulds”
– feeling clarity on what being healthy means to you
– confidence in your ability to reach goals
– multiple goals checked off, one by one
– the ability to set attainable goals
– releasing old mindsets, habits, and beliefs
And through those things, you may find yourself…
– losing the weight you’ve been trying to lose for years
– eating healthier in a way that feels sustainable and enjoyable
– having more energy and clear-headedness
– sleeping better
– less stressed and more emotionally regulated
– with more hope than you’ve had in years
– successfully engaging in the healthy habits you’ve danced around for years without finding your groove
– exercising more… and liking it because you figured out what works for you
– and so much more
It sure is! Coaching is rooted in proven psychological fields of research such as positive psychology, motivational interviewing, the Trans-Theoretical Model of change, Self-Determination theory, Appreciative Inquiry, and more. Find links to in-depth information on the NBHWC website including scientific journal articles and media coverage.
Yes, but it won’t something I create from a cookie-cutter template and hand to you. It’ll be your own plan, created with my guidance and facilitation. Studies show that humans are much more effective at sustaining visions, behaviours, and plans when they are self-generated.
While you’re welcome to book a single appointment any time, most clients find they enjoy meeting every 1-2 weeks for a longer period of time to allow for the change process to unfold with my support and accountability. Every client is unique, but most experienced coaches agree that 3-6 months is a rough average.
In coaching, you are guided to gain fresh insight and understanding that helps you unlock the potential you had all along. You experience “lightbulb moments” and create goals that are both realistic (for you) and holistic (taking your wholeness as a person into account).
While coaching uses some of the tools from the therapy toolbox (which is why it might have a similar vibe at times), a coach does not diagnose or treat any illnesses or disorders, nor do they focus on working through past traumas. Working in areas of major mental distress or disorder is out of the scope of practice of a health coach.
Nonetheless, coaching can still be a valuable tool for those already engaged in therapy and a health coach can work alongside any practitioner you may have (naturopath, doctor, therapist, nutritionist, physiotherapist, trainer, functional medicine practitioner, etc.)
Of course you can do it on your own! Many humans in the world make incredible and powerful changes in their lives toward better health and wellbeing without ever hearing the words “health coach”, let alone hiring one.
Unfortunately, there are FAR more people that don’t, for a variety of reasons. The truth is that change is hard! Most of us have an area (or two or three) in our health that seems daunting, overwhelming, disjointed, stalled, or just downright frustrating. That’s exactly what a health coach is trained for, and I know firsthand just how life-changing good coaching can be. I love it so much that I want everyone to experience it!